Dr Rekha Ayurveda


“ gained back myself A beautiful journey , a beautiful program which nourished me inside out , met beautiful people in this journey of healing my mind, soul and body . This program gave me an inside perspective of what food , discipline and ayurveda can do 360 degree changes to one's life and health . Lost pounds in a healthy way , got a healthy gut on the way , beautiful hair and skin and most of all met such beautiful souls . Special thanks to the Team, thank you for giving me so much more than my health, a beautiful caring , genuine hard working team 😊. 💯percent satisfied customer .


I have eaten the cleanest of my meals in these 3 months. The journey had been a rough one with ups and downs but I have always had the Team with me whenever I had any queries or support. They have always been there for medical guidance and proper medical advice, been a booster of my mental health and constantly sharing sweet, mentally soothing strengthening messages to ensure that I don't give up. I truly can't thank each one of you enough and Dr. Rekha for creating such a wonderful team and such life changing treatment plans. I am immensely glad that all our paths crossed and I shall be in touch with u all 🥰


I have been on a 3 month program with doctor Rekha . I Had gut issues and frequent bowel movements after every meal , I was not able to digest anything. Once the program started, I was so energetic while I was on the program . My sleep schedules have improved . It’s been 7 months since I have completed my program and now I can digest anything. My health is improving day by day . Thank you so much Doctor Rekha 🙏🏻❤️ You are the best doctor in the whole world 🌎 . And the team support was Always with me to motivate me to stick to the plan . My journey was very beautiful and special thanks to my Team , they are amazing, the way they have guided me throughout is incredible, And I have got such amazing friend too ❤️ I am happy that I found Rekha Mam on Instagram. It has changed my life completely. I feel blessed 😇.


I'm grateful to the entire team I was given. Team has made me consistent with the routines which have changed my lifestyle and I am confident that I will do this for my lifetime. Thanks to Dr.Rekha and the Team for being the best and guiding me throughout on what to eat and what not to eat. Team you were like a soul friend, I got connected with you very easily. Thanks to the entire team for helping me understand what my body can digest, I now know what I should eat, my skin problems, farting problems have been addressed and I will follow all your advice to keep my health intact.


It's almost a year since I started seeing Dr Rekha for Sjogren's syndrome and thyroid issue . I had severe dryness of mouth which used to cause choking during night, severe eye dryness which lead to vision problems and also had difficulty in blinking n many more issues. I couldn't stay outdoor for long, n was also suffering from frequent dehydration. Even after consuming enough water, symptoms continued to worsen everyday. I initially enrolled for a 3 months Gut program. Complete history of my daily routine n food intake was assessed before the start of the program. Then a detailed plan was prepared which included daily schedule of wake up time , workout routine, quantity of food intake, type of food to be consumed as per my body type, medicines, etc... Within one month into the program I started noticing the changes in my body. Though my appetite ,skin n hair improved a lot by the end of 3 months, I was keen on continuing to work with Dr Rekha for couple more months to recover fully. I did a Gut cleanse after 5 months into the program which greatly improved my condition. I started feeling good and normal again about myself which I had never felt in the last 6yrs since the diagnosis. I continued all the medication and food which was initially advised . Now I get tears when I cry and tongue feels wet, my joints and skin feels normal. My quality of life has greatly improved. Recently I was advised a Vamana cleanse. I did this for about 4 days with the support of Dr Rekha's team. Today as my cleanse ended, I am feeling very hopeful, my gut feels good. Skin feels good. It's a feeling difficult to describe but I can say I am feeling like a whole new me again. I don't have choking sensation any more. Though there is still not enough saliva formation, I can talk and stay without drinking water for longer hours which itself is a great progress I see. In the coming days I can confidently say I will be absolutely normal. I am very glad to have found Dr Rekha as my doctor. Her team is excellent and has the best team. I would like to thank Sadhika, Arwa, Dr lakshya, lekshmy, Gautam for continued support. They are very kind and gave all the support without hesitation.


In May, I embarked on a transformative journey by enrolling in the 3-month gut health program offered by Dr. Rekha and her dedicated team. For the past 25 years, I have been grappling with acute acidity and persistent bloating, which has severely impacted my quality of life. The constant worry about the aftermath of every meal had taken a toll on me, and I was desperately seeking a solution. With the team’s guidance, my dietary habits underwent a remarkable transformation. Despite having avoided protein-rich foods like dal and rajma for years, I was gently guided to reintroduce them into my diet. The team's personalized approach, coupled with medication, worked wonders for me. Over the course of these three months, I experienced a complete reversal of my previous struggles. Today, I can enjoy a variety of foods without the looming fear of unpleasant after-effects. This newfound freedom has been nothing short of life-changing, and I owe it all to the dedication and expertise of Dr. Rekha's team. Not only did the program address my gut health concerns, but it also positively impacted other aspects of my well-being. My sleep patterns, which had long been disrupted, found a renewed sense of balance through this transformative experience. I am profoundly grateful to Dr Rekha's entire team for their unwavering support, expertise, and genuine care. Your guidance has been instrumental in helping me reclaim my life from the grips of digestive discomfort. Thank you for your dedication, your kindness, and your commitment to my well-being. This testimonial is a small token of my immense appreciation. To anyone seeking a solution to gut health issues, I wholeheartedly recommend Dr Rekha's Team. Thank you once again for changing my life for the better.


I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Rekha and the team, who went through a lot of transformation in the last 3 months. I didn’t know that just eating the right foods and the right amount can impact health significantly in a positive way, Thanks to the team for constantly being with me on this journey and teaching me step by step how to eat right by hand holding me in every step of the way and supporting me through the journey. Thank you for being so patient with me listening to every little concern I had providing me with such great support and walking me through this whole process diligently, I can not thank this team enough last but not least Dr. Rekha for being the light to me because of her I enrolled to this 3-month program and she taught me there is hope for healing ❤️‍🩹 I’m still a work in progress but this program helped me tremendously and I’ve gained the confidence that I’ll get through this sooner. Thanks to the whole team for doing such a fantastic job. 🙏


I am beyond grateful for the life-changing journey I've experienced with the guidance of the Ayurvedic experts: Dr. Rekha and team. Their profound knowledge and compassionate approach have significantly improved my health. They were able to pinpoint underlying health issues and explain exactly how to address them in a holistic and effective way. From personalized dietary plans to lifestyle adjustments, their expertise has been invaluable in restoring balance and vitality to my life. I felt understood and supported throughout the entire process, knowing that I was in the hands of professionals who genuinely cared about my well-being. The unwavering positivity and constant encouragement of the team kept me motivated every step of the way. They not only guided me through the program but also provided emotional support, making the experience enjoyable and empowering. The nutrition support was exceptional. The tailored advice on meal planning and recipes perfectly complemented the Ayurvedic principles, ensuring I nourished my body optimally. Together, this extraordinary team has transformed my well-being and taught me the life-long principles of Ayurveda. I highly recommend their expertise to anyone seeking a holistic approach to better health and vitality. Thank you, Dr. Rekha and team, for your exceptional care and support!


I participated in Dr Rekhas 3 month Agni program to improve my digestion and reduce my high cholesterol. This was the most thorough and comprehensive Ayurvedic program I’ve ever been a part of. I was paired with the sweetest team of a nutritionist and Ayurvedic doctor. The team checked on me daily, helped me dissect menus if I was eating out, and encouraged me to stick with the protocol. They even created a weekly meal plan for me! They provided me with helpful feedback and advice every 15 days. Overall, I’m feeling healthier and more in tune with my body. My cholesterol numbers have come down but I know it will take longer than three months to see a substantial change. Overall I highly recommend this team and their high standards of patient care. They were a pleasure to work with and I will miss them!


Dear Dr. Rekha, what an Excellent Team of Doctors and Nutritionists you've curated. Humble, Compassionate and with a Plethora of Knowledge. I have been suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 10 years. After 7 years of bad run with allopathy, steroids, endless tablets and its unbearable side effects. I shifted my treatment to Ayurveda only in the past 3 years and my biggest regret has been why didn't I sooner. I found Dr. Rekha on Instagram and after 2 years of following her wisdom and conviction towards healing through ayurveda I enrolled for the 3 Month Program. Best Decision Ever! I was introduced to a whole new world of Diet, Routines and Lifestyle changes. It may sound scary but No, It's not! The team of Dr.'s and Nutritionists guide you each step of the way like a baby. From being unable to stand up or sleep without pain to today exercising and walking 10K steps each day. Years of consuming antihistamine tablets every day for Urticaria to get cured in just 10 days of the treatment, It was unbelievable. Mental, Physical, Emotional all your energy levels improve. The daily meal and dincharya follow-ups, constant check on your well-being, patiently answering your endless queries, providing simple tips along the way to tackle your condition better and fortnightly zoom review calls, they never let you feel alone in this journey. RA is notorious and takes its time to come around. Its a lil long journey but am most positive that under Dr. Rekha's guidance I'll turn this around. By the End of the Program you are only left wanting for more and not letting this kind group of women go away from you. A special shoutout to the Team for handling the backend process seamlessly. You all are ❤️ . God Bless you all .


My journey with Dr. Rekha & team started on 10 june 2020 and it's going to be 9 months now. I am thankful to you Dr Rekha and your team for helping me in this journey.. you & your team have been a huge daily support throughout the programme. I have benefited from your programme a lot… I never felt like I was missing food or not getting to eat…you gave lots of options for lunch dinner n breakfast ..i am very happy that i tried it out. never thought that eating right could do such wonders to the body. I was eating as per your guidance and lost 12kg . not just the weight, my overall health has improved .. Thanks is just a small word to express my gratitude towards you! 🙏 To Team, Thank you for being my daily support system. There were times when I felt like giving up but your messages motivated me to continue. you handled all my tantrums without complaining! You are very kind and helpful ! Thank you for everything! I will definitely miss you . You are like my family. Also, you are always a message away from my problems. Even during my covid time u treated me very well. I didn't feel like I was covid patient….your vast ayurveda knowledge and quick home remedies treated me very well.. god bless you! Thank you for everything. Your messages & insta reels always motivated me. Thanks alot !!!


I joined a 3-month weight loss program with Dr. Rekha and I had a very good experience overall. I am new to the Ayurvedic lifestyle and medicines and hence I was skeptical initially. Dr. Rekha tried to get to know me as in my eating habits, lifestyle, nature of the mind and then designed a course for me based on that which I really appreciate. I wouldn't say it was a cakewalk but there is a lot one gets to take away from this program that could be applied throughout life. Dr. Rekha's expertise on Ayurveda was evident and that was the reason I dived into this. Team made sure I eat, exercise, and do dinacharya every day as per the plan. They did a great job in helping me with keeping at it so that I do not lose focus and be on track. They subtly guided me and firmly pushed me to meet my targets. Also overseeing the program and made sure my spirits didn't drop which was a big feat. I lost 9 Kgs in 2 months and 3 weeks which is a big deal for me given that I could not motivate myself for the past 4 years. I appreciate the daily routine I was introduced to through this program which helped me with my mental health as well. I would like to extend thanks to the Team for their support during the program.


I was forced to join this program by my daughter.. Very very reluctantly I did. To be very honest I was not hopeful. I had tried many diets in the past and nothing worked. I was fed up with my aches and pains and weight gain. For the first month I followed the program like a zombie not bothered about the results just to keep my family happy. I was shocked when in my first review call I realized that I had lost 3 and 1/2 kilos without much effort. The magic was in the food and the medications. That was it for me! I started paying attention to my food. I spent time in the morning choosing recipes, tweaking recipes and looking forward to having delicious meals everyday. This prompted me to start working out. I started counting my steps and yoga. I extended the program for next three months and towards the end I lost almost 13 kilos which was a miracle! Big thank you to the team who helped me to achieve my goals! This band of women were always there for me with their kind words, sound advice and funny GIFS.. I will truly miss them all!


I have learnt the real way of living life. I feel so light , energetic and happy. I lost almost 19-20 kgs in 6 months that is remarkable because I didn’t starved, I just adopted ayurvedic lifestyle taught by dr. Rekha. I learnt to love enjoy homemade food. I have happy relationship with food now. I enjoy dal, rice, and sabji more over junk food. I really want to thank Dr Rekha. Team members are also so supportive. I love you all.♥️♥️♥️


I don’t even know where to get started about Dr Rekha and her team. I started at a time when I had gained over 20 lbs postpartum. I was extremely unmotivated and had low energy levels. Their initial focus was to get consistency in following routines, diet and step count. They understood my pace and told me to gradually increase it. Team kept me accountable on a daily basis but understood when life happened and wasn’t pushy. I have vented to them about my parenting struggles. They heard me out and positively encouraged me. It was almost like getting a hug from a friend during low times. They were able to suggest healthy menu options when I had restaurant outings. I had chronic constipation all my life and after 3 months, I feel great for it to have resolved. They customized the plan to make sure it was gentle enough and I was well nourished for breastfeeding and even with that I saw great results in weight loss. They suggested home remedies when I was sick and tweaks in my plan until I got better. I loved Team's notes explaining the whys behind the routines. My energy levels are a lot higher. I feel a lot like myself now. I have come a long way with Dr Rekha and her team. I am a lot more in control of my life and doing things that bring me joy. I am truly grateful for the support and personal attention I received from you all. Will miss my daily reminders and accountability.


I joined a 3-month weight loss program with Dr. Rekha and I had a very good experience overall. I am new to the Ayurvedic lifestyle and medicines and hence I was skeptical initially. Dr. Rekha tried to get to know me as in my eating habits, lifestyle, nature of the mind and then designed a course for me based on that which I really appreciate. I wouldn't say it was a cakewalk but there is a lot one gets to take away from this program that could be applied throughout life. Dr. Rekha's expertise on Ayurveda was evident and that was the reason I dived into this. Team made sure I eat, exercised, and did dinacharya every day as per the plan. They did a great job in helping me keep at it so that I do not lose focus and be on track. They subtly guided me and firmly pushed me to meet my targets. Also oversaw the program and made sure my spirits didn't drop which was a big feat. I lost 9 Kgs in 2 months and 3 weeks which is a big deal for me given that I could not motivate myself for the past 4 years. I appreciate the daily routine I was introduced to through this program which helped me with my mental health as well. I would like to extend thanks to the Team for their support during the program.


t was a great program Dr. Rekha and team helped me with a lot of health issues. They guided me through a wonderful process of choosing the right food/diet for me Dr. Rekha, the team's leader, built an amazing community that provided me with the emotional, physical, and mental support I needed to make positive changes in my life. Although I am still working on myself, I now feel equipped with the necessary skills to better take care of my health. I am truly grateful for each and every person on the team, and it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to them as our program comes to an end. However, I am comforted knowing that I can continue to learn from Dr. Rekha through social media, and I am looking forward to hopefully visiting her in person one day. The Ayurvedic team's care and dedication have made a significant impact on my life, and I would highly recommend them to anyone seeking a holistic approach to their health & wellbeing. Thank you for helping me through this program. Please continue guiding people like me through these program. I will follow this lifestyle and make sure I lose what I plan to achieve in my goals.


hey provided the right medicines and treatment. My periods problem has been solved and there has been weight loss also.


I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2020. The world was facing a new pandemic and I was facing a pandemic of my own. The modern medical doctor put me on steroids as any other medicine was not compatible to my body. Also I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and already had PCOS. I was taking so many pills a day. Suffering from headaches, anxiety, low energy, body aches, irritability to name a few. After nearly 2 years of unsuccessfully managing my conditions, I consulted Dr.Rekha and enrolled in her 6 month program. Dr Rekha and her team have worked in teaching and developing my relationship with my body. Ayurvedic food and lifestyle has helped me so much that I can now say that I am cured. Dr. Rekha and her team were there at each and every moment through my journey, right from waking up till I slept at night. My relationship with myself, my body and food has changed in such a positive way that I can say that food has healed me. Big shoutout to Ayurveda, Dr. Rekha for carrying on our roots so authentically and her team for always being there.


I started this journey when I was at my lowest in health and today when this program is ending, I feel I am living my best life. This program has taught me to be disciplined and mindful. I was suffering from ulcerative colitis and PCOS. This program has made my relation with food change. The nourishment and enrichment of self is the foremost thing I take away from this program. I can gladly say that I know how to manage my food and live a completely normal life. Thanks to the dedicated Dr Rekha and her equally dedicated Team who helped me achieve my goal. Big shoutout to all of you.


I had pcos . When it was not so severe the tablets worked. I tried fasting seeing some nutritionist videos. Which had a bad affect on my health. Then the tablets and the nutritionist program didt work. And to my worst the supplement tablets gave me infections . Maybe they all didt workout because I had to find the best(ayurveda) . My gynac never talked about healing . But in 1st month of trying ayurveda itself I saw many changes in my health . While on this program I had the opportunity to learn what all foods work for me . And the recipes turned out delicious . The team was all coordinated and they supported me all through the program . I can say that my health will improve a lot better in coming three months. I just have that faith now .


I recently completed a one-year PCOS program with fantastic Dr Rekha and team and I couldn't be happier with the results. The program was truly life-changing and exceeded all my expectations. Firstly, the expertise and knowledge of the whole team were outstanding. They took the time to thoroughly understand my medical history, lifestyle, and goals before creating a personalized plan that was tailored specifically to my needs. Their guidance and recommendations were evidence-based and up-to-date, instilling confidence in their approach. My nutritionist provided invaluable advice on improving my diet and making healthier food choices. She helped me understand the importance of balanced nutrition and taught me how to incorporate more nutrient-rich foods into my daily meals. Her ongoing support and encouragement kept me motivated throughout the program. Working alongside Dr. Rekha and team was equally beneficial. They conducted regular check-ups and assessments to monitor my progress and adjust the program as needed. They went above and beyond to ensure I felt supported and understood throughout the entire journey. Thank you so so much all of you for the personalized approach, and ongoing support resulted in remarkable improvements in my health and well-being. Stay blessed !!


really ran out of words when I thought of sharing feedback mam. I was clueless about where to start. You made me make small changes that have had a huge impact on my life. For eg, I avoided urad dal and wheat which were staples for me. That seemed like an eye-opener. Without Dr. Rekha, nothing would be possible for me. You motivated me all the time. You were with me through my bad and rough times. Thanks for being so gentle that, in a few days, I did follow routines or did step count only for you. Thanks a lot to Dr Rekha and the team for being in my life. And finally, the way you narrowed down the root cause just by asking questions always blew my mind. You had such a positive impact in my mind and body that I became a more self aware person. My pimples have really gone away and I feel really confident. I'm getting my periods every month. Of course, the credit should go to the team as they made sure I ate the right food in the right portion in the right time while not compromising on step count. Dr Rekha & Team, you have not only tried your best to cure me, but also taught me way of life. What else can a patient ask for! May you heal many more lives and teach ayurvedic lifestlye 🙂


A.Hi Team, so here's a bit of my testimonial, trying to keep it short: I especially enjoyed the first month, it has changed so much for the better and helped me to be consistent in my routine and keep going with it, not cheating with meals - even though I really don't like taking pictures of my food in general, I understood the reason behind it, which made it easier for me. Exactly this kind of accountability is what in the end makes the whole program so effective, and what other type of consultations are missing. To change habits one definitely needs support, especially in the first month. I noticed very quickly several improvements - like no more hairfall, daily bowel movements in the morning - something which I was struggling before, and then clean wipe - this was like a dream come true and something I never would have thought is even possible to have! I had so much more structure in my whole day by following the simple yet effective morning routine, my sleep got sooo much better, I managed to fall asleep in a matter of minutes and only wake up in the morning. My menstrual cycle was ok before and it got even better. But the most important thing is I learned a lot from this experience, and understand now why and where the symptoms come from, what food to choose when, this is why I understand that my arthritis condition takes longer to completely heal, also the bumps, the overall blood circulation. And I'm fascinated by how just keeping things simple, giving the body the right environment, it will just heal itself, you just have to let it and not overload it with unnecessary stuff - both mentally and physically. I totally appreciate the support of the whole team, especially in the beginning, as well as your patience throughout, answering ALL my questions, especially you Team 🙌! And encouraging me to try out the tikkis 😅😎🤗. I'm thankful for also giving me the space I needed and time for myself - which I definitely need. As for the improvements for the program, this is only personal like the motivational quotes, were too often or too many for me, as I feel often stressed about them, because I not always have the time to read them or am in the mood 😉😬for them, but then I have to react... I think for me once-twice a month would have been enough, not weekly. Other than that 5 stars👏😇🙌😘 Lastly I felt blessed to be accompanied by your energy, thank you Team!!! Lots of blessings going your way from Berlin and from my heart 🌈😘💞to yours💞 Oh and before I forget, of course the one and only Dr. Rekha also.


Clear improvement, compared to earlier photos. The marks are fading slowly. My skin is also less inflamed, and much more healthy than when I started. People are also telling me there's a lot of change, skin is shining more. I didn't get a single facial in the last 10 months because of acne. Thanks a lot for personalizing the program for me. It meant a lot that you tried hard to help me. You nudged me a lot - which is what I needed the most in this program. Thanks Team, good job to you too! 🙂


Facial swelling reduced


I've suffered from psoriasis for the past 20 yrs. I've tried all kinds of treatments from allopathic, homeopathic, acupuncture etc. When I started following Dr. Rekha on Instagram I felt this is something I want to try. I was skeptical at first as I live in the US and how will it work long distance. I have to say it was done so seamlessly and effortlessly by Dr. Rekha and her team. Dr. Rekha was so warm and genuinely caring. She would listen to all my issues intently on our zoom calls. She's a plethora of information on everything. The Team was always on the WhatsApp groups for all kinds of my queries and doubts, They were my rock, constantly encouraging and pushing me to follow my program. I really couldn't have done it without their constant watch. When I would fall back or do things not good for me they would gently bring me back to where I needed to be. Their quotes along with other inspirational songs kept me inspired and uplifted. My skin condition has improved a lot. I've learned so so so much in this program that I see food differently, in a good way of course. I understand how my gut health is so important to all my normal body functions. I loved this program ❤️

SKIN & HAIR CARE PROGRAM Nazneen Khaleeluddin

My Hba1c dropped from 7.4 to 6.4!!! I was happy seeing it 🙂 Thanks a lot. I was skeptic now and then. Not becoz i didn have faith in your ability but in a way, i did not have faith in my body i guess. The result is definitely a booster.


I was asked by my doctor to slowly reduce the dosage of the Thyroid medication I was on alongwith a healthy lifestyle change. Before I got on a consultation with Dr Rekha & her wonderful team I had Gut issues …Indigestion…Disturbed sleep ….Waking up almost everyday with a swollen face…unable to understand the food combinations…mostly everything to do with my Gut. I was on a wonderful 3 months program with Dr Rekha n her team They helped me understand my food combinations…basic changes like getting sleep right …inclusion of certain foods on a daily basis like buttermilk…gut cleanse every month ….All of this helped me with the issues I was facing & I even lost about 4-5kgs in the process Im happy to say that my relationship with food has changed now ..also since my weight loss was healthy Im happy to say that I have still maintained it & haven’t put on any of the weight back. Also , I completely got off the Thyroid medicine. Im so glad to have found Dr Rekha on Instagram…Will always be Immensely grateful to Dr Rekha & her team❤️


Dear Rekha, Team I never believed that I could say no to food when I started this journey. The first month was very tough. My sinuses bad. And the Team pushed me to 11 days if horrible torture before they gave me permission to take my allopathy. But they made me realize my strength. Where I used to take 60 tablets a month, I have got it down to 8 to 10 a month. They used to meet me in zoom twice a month and patiently hear all my stupid doubts, but this Team for all the meekness I thought they had, was tough with me when they had to be. I was like that student ready to bunk. Miss classes. So all the notorious things which I know are not right. But they are an angel with immense patience and once they even threatened my saying they are going to be strict with me. 1000 kms away from where I live , they had the capacity to monitor me. It made me realize their commitment towards me and my goals. Never did they miss a day with me. Patiently hearing me out. Dear Team, this loss of 4 kg I attribute to your patience, Their friendly support and the evergreen Rekha who was always ready to listen to my weirdest queries. My walking became better with this activity, my skin tone improved. Food you need is reduced on its own. And moreover blissful sleep I get. Thanks to each one of you. I hope this talk doesn't end with client Doctor relations. You all have a reserved place in my heart beyond all these commercial deals that we did. I will refer to as many people I Know who need to add value and meaning to their lives. Who get the opportunity to get introduced to themselves through this program. Thank you to each one of you and I am definitely elder to each of you, so my heartfelt blessings to all of you . Do the good job of touching various lives. Keep up the good job of bringing smiles on people's faces. Live you all loads. Waiting to meet each of you


It's been a 6-month long weight loss journey for my mother (age 58), and I am proud to say that she has lost 10 kg in these 6 months. She's been suffering from obesity for the past 10 years. She had put on so much weight after her accident (Scooty). She had tried every possible way to keep her weight under control. She had joined the gym with me but had to leave. She tried fasting for days but had to consume food due to weakness. I can't even explain what possible things she has tried. But luckily, her struggle ended when I introduced her to Dr. Rekha. I discovered her ads on Instagram and immediately connected with her after scrolling through her feed. The result that my mother has achieved is tremendous. She had a joint pain problem which has resolved to 90% now. She can now walk 8K steps daily without feeling breathlessness. Her cholesterol and thyroid levels are under control. Her BP is normal. She feels more energetic than ever before. I can't thank Team and her team enough for keeping an eye on her.


I started my association with Dr Rekha and team from mid December.I enrolled into 3 months program. I am a hypothyroid patient, After being hit by malaria in the year 2021 I started suffering from various physical and mental issues like high anxiety, negative thoughts , poor digestion , insomnia.weight issues and inflammation I was given medication as per my body type. Dr. Rekha and team also focused on improving my gut health and these 3 months I was under a nutritionist and a Doc to look into my daily diet and other issues. There were fortnightly calls to look into improvements in my symptoms. I am grateful to Dr Aparna for guiding me well on the medication and making changes in them as and when required. I am Immensely grateful and thankful to Sadhika for correcting my diet which played a huge role in improving my health. After correction in my diet I am finding a lot of improvement in my energy levels , I no more experience negative thoughts and anxiety, My digestion has improved. I am also getting good and deep sleep. Though my weight hasn’t reduced I have lost inches. I also did a cleanse where proper instructions were given by Sadhika and Dr Aparna. Everything was explained and instructed well on whats app. After the cleanse I can see lot of improvements in my energy levels and I feel more light and flexible. I strongly recommend Dr Rekha and team for treating ailments as they look into deeper and core issues and the results are reflected soon because the treatment is done as per the body type. Grateful and Thankful to Dr Rekha and team🙏🏻


A.Hello everybody! With this program I learnt so many new things in my daily routine like doing Nasya, Abhyanga followed by a warm shower... This program brings discipline in my life. And I never felt anything missing in my meals. So many varieties and combinations were there in plan. It develops my sense of mindful cooking and mindful eating as well.I was very impressed with Doctor Rekha by her Instagram posts. Her post about REVERSE IBS and Food IS Medicine made me join her program 😍 Doctor was telling me that my problem is very old and it will take time to cure completely. I also agree with this. About my Asthma, dealing with this makes me more uncomfortable if I don't use an inhaler daily. Team's guidance is just amazing, In Spite of different time zone she was all time aware of my routine.Her concern is just superb💖💖 Whenever I needed any help from her she promptly responded. They guided me whenever I was in need.❣️❣️ Motivational msgs always brings my spirits high🙏💙💜 So looking forward to live a healthy and disease free life very soon with you guys.💓 Very big thanks to all of you from bottom of my 🧡 These days will always cherish me in my life💙💜


Hello, My experience with this 3 month plan is absolutely amazing .The support and guidance I got is incredible . I understand sometimes some things take more time and patience .But the kind of improvement and changes I can see in my body are nothing less than what I always wanted . After the plan I know which path to follow . Please pass on my regards to Dr Rekha . And Team and I cannot thank you enough . You guys became like family . I generally don't express much even to my friends . But sometimes here in the group I was able to somehow clear my thoughts and difficulties . Thankyou for all the encouragement and motivation throughout the programme . I wish in future we cross path and meet again and I can show my increased weight in the weighing scale ☺️ Once again thank you very much .you guys are doing a wonderful stuff .wish you all the best in whatever you do


Hi! My name is Padmini Datwani… I am 57 years old and a Home maker… I live in Mumbai, India I got to know about Doctor Rekha on Instagram and I really liked her posts & I was very impressed with her knowledge of Ayurveda & how the right food can help our imbalanced doshas… I had been suffering from IBS, Diarrhoea for quite a few months & so my husband took an appointment for a consultation for me with Dr Rekha….to my shock when I ran the blood tests prescribed before the consultation a lot of my levels were haywire!!! My HbA1c was at 8!!! I had hypothyroidism!! My cholesterol was very high! I was totally stunned! I had my consultation with Dr Rekha at the end of August & she assured me that all will be taken care of… I started the 3 month plan with her… At the end of 3 months when I got my blood work done again my HbA1c had come down to 6.7… my thyroid was absolutely in the normal range( without any allopathic medicine), my cholesterol levels had come down…I had lost about 8 kgs of weight( after eating rice in practically every meal!!)…. I started sleeping so much better…. & my energy levels had gone up marginally… I was thrilled with the results & decided to continue with the plan for another 3 months which has brought my sugar & cholesterol levels down even more… Thanks to Dr Rekha’s competent team which backed & monitored me - be it the routines prescribed, the medicines & the food - with such love & dedication I am in a much healthier place! I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of them… a BIG Thank you to Dr Anu, Arwa, ⁨Devi⁩, Dhrashti & Fatima who guided & took such good care of me through this Ayurvedic journey !!God Bless each one of you for your kindness in handling me & teaching me how to live my life with such discipline without it becoming boring!!!


Doctor Rekha’s program is so far the best Lifestyle coaching program I’ve come across in the world. One can achieve desired results, be it weight loss or reversing any autoimmune diseases. If this cannot help you, nothing in the world can. Her team is fully trained and there is no deviation from the principles of ayurveda. Thank you for inspiring and never letting the spirit of the program disappear, for keeping concise check on everything, ensuring I stick to the schedule and special thanks to Doctor for being there for me, supporting, guiding and clearing all my queries


Dearest Dr.Rekha &Team ⭐️ Rekha ma’am,I am truly , extremely grateful to have found you . First of all it’s extremely hard to find authentic people, truly committed to helping people. If that commitment is there, no matter what happens you know you are will be take care. 🙏🏽I can vouch that you and your team are throughly committed to sincerely and genuinely helping out your patients with utmost expertise, care and respect. program . Maam, your program helped in having the most manageable periods I ever had in past 10 years. Being more active, thicker hair and brighter skin is simply a bonus. You have taught me lifestyle changes maam. Will continue the learning I got from this program 🥳. A big thanks to the Team who were available each and every time I needed her, always with bright smile ensuring all concerns are addressed. Thank you ma’am. Team has become like my family. Constantly reminding of my goal and ensuring the focus is not lost. Thank you dear. Team, very smart in identifying the untold emotions and pitching in to fill those gaps making you open up beyond your expectations. Lol. Thank you dear. Anyone out there contemplating whether or not to enroll on Dr.Rekha’s program, be aware that you will be heard and taken care. It might not be a smooth and easy path but whatever it is , you are in safe hands. Any issue I encounter in future , I am coming back to you Dr.Rekha


My experience with Dr Rekha and her team in the last 2 months has been life changing. I have struggled to get my weight off for the last years 4 yrs due to PCOS. I had reached to a point where I could not figure out where to start with the whole weight loss journey. I had always been lean and seeing my own self with that extra 15kg thrashed my confidence and self esteem The diet recommended by DrRekha did not deprive me off anything that I had liked which gave me hope and I could see myself getting through this program. Team was extremely helpful in guiding me and helping me stay on track on a daily basis. With their help I started to see a difference on my working scale within 2 weeks by simplifying following the dinacharya and diet suggested. Most importantly I felt good at the end of each day and I know it’s just matter of few more weeks I can get back my old self


‘I decided to join Dr Rekha’s exclusive 3 month program as I was suffering from gas, bloating, acidity and anxiety issues for a very long time and it is one of the best decisions I have made. It was wonderful talking to Dr Rekha. She is very friendly and approachable. She gave me a clear understanding of my doshas and imbalances and how I must eat accordingly to balance them. She introduced me to the Ayurvedic way of eating and stress management and this has now become a part of my lifestyle. I would also like to thank Team for motivating and supporting me throughout the program. It was lovely interacting with them. They took good care of me, encouraged me and helped me whenever I had any doubts or questions. I couldn’t have asked for a better team! It was truly a great experience as I feel so much lighter and my energy levels are better after incorporating these lifestyle changes. My digestion has improved, skin looks better and I have also lost weight. I would highly recommend Dr Rekha’s program for improving your overall health and wellbeing!’


I was having constant gas and discomfort after having food. Having a history of GERD, had to face a lot of acidity issues as well. I had come across Dr. Rekha's page and felt like giving it a try since the methods and reviews looked promising. I am really glad I made this decision. They shared a routine to follow, provided a diet according to my issues and monitored it regularly. Used to have a review call every 15 days. I must say that the results are great. My mood is usually better. The issues have also reduced to a good extent. Skin feels much improved. And I see a great difference in my anxiety and worrying habits. In the entire journey, the Team stood with me like solid rock pillars. They always listened to me patiently and were there in case of any doubts/issues I had. I feel grateful to have them.


Dear team, I cannot have found a better team to work with. This has been a life altering experience and I know I am on the right track mentally, physically and spiritually. I have especially appreciated how responsive everyone is. I got answers to all my questions and saw great improvement in my health. The journey isn’t over for me yet so I will continue .. again, thank you so so much for everything you did and continue to do


Ladies, I am so grateful for our time together, for the way you have positively impacted me and you have completely transformed my life. At the beginning of the program I could have never imagined how much my life would change, all thanks to your daily guidance, advice and support. Thank you for changing me for the better. I feel I am a completely new person, my physical being, my mental and emotional beings and my spirit. I would not be here without all of you. You have given me the single biggest gift since I birthed my daughters. You have given me back me. I do not know how I could possibly thank you enough. What I can offer is my support for the amazing work that you do. My door is always open in Canada and if there is anything I can do to help you with your business or bringing more people from Canada into your programs, please let me know. I would love for the opportunity to exchange karma and help you all in any way that I can.Thank you so much, from my heart to yours. Take care!!Sending you all so much love


Too much to express, here I go Have been suffering with irritation, anger, frustration, low in energy, many things since many years, But this program has just made me feel calm, light, positive and composed.. My Gut feels good, have also lost weight, Increase in energy. About monthly periods I literally got scared because of irregularities, heavy bleeding, but my cycle is regular now, only within a month I could feel the change. I guess this program just corrects the whole system of the body. Angels, like a Team ,have been so kind, loving and inspirational to me. I also got chance to meet Doctor Rekha face to face, amazing positive personality . She is doing great deed giving ayurveda knowledge for daily life style, which does make our life at ease. Trust me, don’t give second thought, try the gut healing program it does change the life and give lots of positivity. Trust the whole team, there medicines and the team replies to all the questions very patiently, they also understand to the emotional level. Lots of Love and blessing to doctor Rekha and her awesome beautiful team.


Ohh no! Can’t believe this program is coming to an end 🥺 Thank you so much Team for those wonderful wishes ❤️😍😍 And thanks a lot to the whole team for being with us through this wonderful journey. I felt confident throughout my pregnancy journey, as I know I have you guys for any go to 😀 not exaggerating but this feels like a college farewell for me. Very emotional 🥲 Whenever I think of my journey with Girija (yes, that’s gonna be our daughter’s name ❤️) it will never be complete without you guys. And you guys were the first one we started announcing our happy news 😍 so you’ll will always be part of our wonderful memory lane Last but not least, special special thanks to Team. Thank you so much for being so patient and amazing through this journey Team. Our day was never complete without your message, and we will surely miss that from you. But everyone stay in touch ❤️❤️


A sincere gratitude to Dr. Rekha & Team for helping me deliver a happy & healthy baby under the shade of Ayurveda. I have had a combination of pregnancy-related complications that worried me despite my best foot forward. Having followed Dr. Rekha on Instagram, it has helped me gain awareness of age old & time tested Ayurveda. With a leap of faith, I have reached out to Dr. Rekha seeking pregnancy & postpartum care which has proven to be a beacon shedding love, light & wisdom. Following the consultation, a tailored plan was made specific to my condition & well supported by a team who continued to offer unwavering guidance. Here I go, onward and forward. My journey continues as I embark onto a gut health program to reset & recharge with the power of Ayurveda! Thank you Dr. Rekha & Team for helping me & fellow beings!


Hi Team, thanks for being there. I think my eating habits have changed considerably over the past 6 months. Thanks once again to you both. I know I haven't been super responsive lately but it's more to do with workload. We enjoyed the program to the fullest. 😁😍😁😍

MEN’s HEALTH PROGRAM Krishna Gorishetti

My testimony: I always believed that Ayurveda could provide greater insights into foods and the way we consume what we eat. There is greater knowledge within the domains of Ayurveda which go beyond just classifying foods as carbs/proteins/minerals etc. traditional medicines combine those aspects with the nature of food itself. A 3 month program with Dr Rekha and her team - Dr Aparna, Arwa and Janhavi introduced me to a lifestyle regime which matched the nature of what I consumed to my individual nature, also called ‘Prakruti’ in Ayurveda parlance. I knew that I came from a family with men developing weak guts as they aged and that what I wanted to address. So I signed up for a - Gut Health Improvement Program. I also had deviation in my lipid profile and had been a mild hypertension patient on a daily tablet dosage. I frequently suffered from acidity, indigestion, migraine headaches etc. The first month I followed all procedures as required, also doing a cleanse. The diet was ok for me having rice and though on a carb free diet for a few months, I started having rice. I also had food from outside but within the defined parameters. After the first month I saw my weight starting to decrease though that was not the primary goal. At the end of second month I had dropped almost 8%body weight, developed regular motion cycles and gotten rid of any digestive issues. My blood report showed all parameters well within the range with big drop in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol etc. My sleep cycles also improved. My cardiologist advised me to discontinue my medication after 7years. The program helped me learn about the food groups that suit me and now the choice remains with me if I use this knowledge to my advantage or choose to cheat my health. But I recommend all those who would like to learn about the natural way of keeping healthy to sign up for this program and enjoy its benefits!

MEN’s HEALTH PROGRAM Avinash Kachroo

oing through intense anxiety/panic attacks/insomnia/acid reflux for about 5 months I tried medication, therapy, and many other ways to tackle it. However, it felt like I was being drowned by this. Finding Dr.Rekha and her team has been a blessing. They seek to understand the concerns, articulate ways to make progress, use metrics to gauge, and are there throughout when you need them not just for the medical attention but for mental and emotional support too. The team is the best combination of professionalism, compassion, and expertise. They focus on lifestyle change rather than one-time adjustment. The routine they created for me helped stabilize my body type, ground restless energy, and calm the chaotic mind. It has been 6 months now since I enrolled with them, I have not witnessed any of the earlier mentioned concerns even once.


"Nutrition is the most important because from a proper wholesome and balanced diet, all the body constituents—dosha, dhatu and mala—are formed. That is why it is said that 'we are what we eat'. Food is not only essential for our physical well-being but it provides nutrition for our mind as well"-Dhanya, 2019 It is so true we are what we eat; before joining the intervention, I did not know much about Ayurvedic insights on food habits. Thanks to Dr. Rekha and her team for shedding the wisdom and knowledge about our traditional way of living. Because of constant effort and dedication from Team, I must admit that I have become much more aware of incorrect eating habits and lifestyles. Because of them, I understood that weight loss is the ultimate goal but strengthening immune systems and gut functioning is much more imperative. Both of them were so compassionate in their words and encouraging and made sure that I didn't fall back. Uncluttered mind and body help to achieve spiritual objectives, so thank you for teaching me that. LOve


I am so glad to have found Dr.Rekha’s page on instagram. I have been curious to know more about the Ayurvedic way of living as I didn’t know much about it. Through this 3 month program it has given me a brief insight into what needs to be done on a daily basis which includes the daily routines, timings & foods that are good for me and that are not. I’m so happy to have learnt all this through this experience. And would like to continue to practice the same as much as possible throughout my life. I’m aware that results take time, but I do have faith that my condition will improve and I am ready to wait patiently for the same. Thank you to the entire team for guiding me through this process.


I started this program as a clean slate, completely surrendered to see what an Ayurvedic program like this would offer to a layman like me. My version of Ayurveda has always been kashayams and massages. :-)😀 From the initial process of getting to talk to the admin team for enrolling until the end, it had been seemingly smooth. I did see this team as a group of young, mature adults who knew their craft. Team, you all have been great pillars of support throughout the program and always understood my plight and emotions. I really appreciate your patience and support during my down days. Team, I loved your sweet virtual nudges during the days I gave up and really appreciate your relentless follow-ups. The daily messages and the forwards were something I enjoyed reading and reflecting on. For the first time in years, I experienced how the gut can feel calm and this calmness penetrated every cell. For the first time in years, I had been off the painkiller for more than a month. My heartfelt gratitude to the whole team for transforming many lives. Dr. Rekha, A big THANK YOU to you. If not for your Instagram posts, I would not have met some wonderful people and experienced what I did. It was a reflective journey. These three months will definitely be a milestone in my life.


Wanted to share the experience of this 3 months journey of healing. Often healing is perceived as linear but my journey was anything but linear. It started off well but started to fall sick often with fever and acidity and different things kept surfacing. It was the Team’s continuous review and support which helped to change course of action as it was required. She was patient, calm and the explanation of body’s response helped me to believe that I will get better eventually. Every review I could notice things were slowly shifting how energetic I started feeling, could wake-up without a struggle, how change in food & sleep habits started showing subtle but substantial results. After 3 months some of the crucial health markers have improved by following the basics taught. They are amazing with their knowledge and answers all the doubts I had about food and ayurvedic practices. They definitely know their clients and can read them well… Trying to keep the engine running by her regular follow-ups, scheduling the reviews. Thank you, Team! Last but not least Dr. Rekha herself who has created an amazing team. Her value system and treatment methods reflect in her team and exactly is what we hear her speak in the social media. Gratitude to you for bringing this healing journey to all your patients 🙏🏻


I had the pleasure of being under the care of the Ayurvedic team for the past three months and I couldn't be more grateful. Jennifer, my nutritionist, was an incredible source of support and guidance throughout my journey. Arwa, the head nutritionist, was always a joy to work with, and her humor and zest for life made every interaction a delight. Dr. Arpna was incredibly knowledgeable and always available to answer any questions or concerns I had. Dr. Rekha, the team's leader, built an amazing community that provided me with the emotional, physical, and mental support I needed to make positive changes in my life. Although I am still working on myself, I now feel equipped with the necessary skills to better take care of my health. I am truly grateful for each and every person on the team, and it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to them as our program comes to an end. However, I am comforted knowing that I can continue to learn from Dr. Rekha through social media, and I am looking forward to hopefully visiting her in person one day. The Ayurvedic team's care and dedication have made a significant impact on my life, and I would highly recommend them to anyone seeking a holistic approach to their health & wellbeing


The glow oil / varnyam oil was the best thing I purchased. I applied it at night and it helped me sleep so well and i woke up with a beautiful glow! My cheeks felt supple and bouncy. I absolutely love it, have started applying it during the day too now 🥰


Hi Ma'am,I used lots and lots of creams and oil for glow and to treat acne but did not get results.I came across your glow oil and glow pack,i ordered and got both but did not use it for few weeks.Actually to be frank i did not believe it but got as there were good reviews. But after using it wooooooow i can see great difference in my skin. Its glowing ,plumped and my acne scars are getting reduced. Thank you sooooooooo much for such great products. Best wishes for you and your team Ma'am.


Received Kajol and facepack Kajol is just amazing 🤩 It’s giving cooling and soothing effect for my eyes Thanks for your hard wrk to prepare this product

PRODUCTS Dr. Hussain Baig

The glow oil works fantastic fr cracked lips. Just wanted to let u know.

PRODUCTS Vidhya Bhatt

Doctor Rekha’s pain oil works like MAGIC. I had knee problem since 2 months and after applying only for a week my pain is gone Thank you DOCTOR REKHA 🙏🏻🙏🏻

PAIN OIL Timsi Shah
GLOW OIL Karishma
Hair oil & Triphala shampoo Deepthi Thomas

Hey Your kajal is better than any other kajal in terms of quality but I must say it is wayyyy better than M.A.C 's kajal in terms of smudging also🤩

Medicated Kajal, Glow oil & Triphala shampoo Vasoya Amee

Hello Dr.Rekha. Look at my eyes...they are adorned with your kajal. They don't smudge. What else do you want. My search for a perfect kajal has ended here. Thanks a ton❤️❤️

Medicated Kajal, Glow oil & Triphala shampoo Nidhi Bansod

The three day cleanse with Doctor Rekha and team is something that I would highly recommend anyone to undergo at least once. It’s literally a detox in its truest essence. The three day cleanse has been very effectively and efficiently planned out making it easier for one to understand and implement. I felt clean and light post the cleanse devoid of any tirednesses . Moreover, I felt energetic and so ready for the next day. To those who wonder whether your gut becomes clean in 3 days, I have to say it really does 😊. Doctor Rekha and team have a very simplistic way of approaching things. The WhatsApp group created truly helps as it ensures we remain committed and accountable to the cleanse with constant guidance and follow ups from nutritionists and doctors. Also, I would like to thank the Team & Dr. Rekha for constant support and of course for patiently answering my never ending queries 🙈😅. The smallest encouraging compliment given to me made a huge difference in the small milestones achieved during cleanse. Thank you to all of you for extending so much warmth and most importantly for making me feel good 😊😊.

CLEANSE Krishnapriya Nair (Virechana 3 days)

I got diagnosed with a 7.8 hb1ac and high cholesterol. My primary care physician said I had to immediately go on metformin, my cardiologist said I had to give up all carbohydrates, rice or wheat, and try quinoa and chickpeas, he said. He also suggested appetite-inhibiting drugs as a possibility. I was not yet overweight in my BMI index, but I tried all of them except the appetite-inhibiting drugs! To only give up in helplessness. I remembered that I wanted to take a holistic health course with Dr. Rekha, being her big fan, and got back in touch with her team. By then I had decided not to go with metformin not being able to deal with the nausea and weakness. When Dr. Rekha sent my nutrition plan, I was in heaven. Rice three times a day was ok! Nobody could believe this. But 3 months and my hb1ac were back in the pre-diabetic range, measuring 6.0. And I was eating food to nourish my body and soul. The medicine took time to get used to, but how effective they were! The routines were a gift. I want to keep this program as a gift to myself every few years, even if my numbers are okay. I didn't go in expecting miracles, but I got one! Dr. Rekha has the magical touch, and her team is one of the finest, they are cheerleading you throughout your journey. I couldn't have done it without their constant help, guidance, support, and positivity. Finally, I didn't feel alone, helpless, and clueless. I recommend this program very strongly! A very special thanks to a very special person - Vidhya 🥳🥳🥳🥳 A thanks filled with gratitude to Dr Lakshya, for being ever so patient with me, and healing me I owe so much to you all thank you and lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

Diabetes Management Program

I am very grateful to Dr Rekha and her awesome Team for showing me the right path toward a healthy body and mind. I have gone through all the fad diets in my life and also through a continuous cycle of losing and gaining weight.I had contacted Dr.Rekha for weight loss and diabetes. With her help not only have I lost weight but my H1AC has gone down from 11 to 5.4. I have become a firm believer of Ayurveda. The best part is it does not cure symptoms but heals the body intrinsically and extrinsically. The morning routines, the diet and herbs, and the cleanses recommended by Dr.Rekha have worked like magic. Trust me when I say she and her team are miracle workers. All my questions were so patiently answered even though we were in different time zones. Something so simple and in front of your eyes could be such a powerful healer for you. Who knew? The journey for me has just begun but I know this one is forever.♥️♥️

happy customer

I’m so glad i took this program… ♥️ I got diagnosed with a 7.8 hb1ac and high cholesterol. My primary care physician said I had to immediately go on metformin, my cardiologist said I had to give up all carbohydrates, rice or wheat, and try quinoa and chickpeas, he said. He also suggested appetite-inhibiting drugs as a possibility. I remembered that I wanted to take a holistic health course with Dr. Rekha, being her big fan, and got back in touch with her team. By then I had decided not to go with metformin not being able to deal with the nausea and weakness. When Dr. Rekha sent my nutrition plan, I was in heaven. Rice three times a day was ok! Nobody could believe this. But 3 months my hb1ac was back in the pre-diabetic range, measuring 6.0. And I was eating food to nourish my body and soul. The medicine took time to get used to, but how effective they were! The routines were a gift. I want to keep this program as a gift to myself every few years, even if my numbers are okay. I didn't go in expecting miracles, but I got one! Dr. Rekha has the magical touch, and her team is one of the finest, they are cheerleading you throughout your journey. I couldn't have done it without their constant help, guidance, support, and positivity. Finally, I didn't feel alone, helpless, and clueless. I recommend this program very strongly! A very special thanks to a very special person 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Thanks filled with gratitude to Dr. Rekha and team, for being ever so patient with me, and healing me I owe so much to you all thank you and lots of love ❤️❤️❤️


Dr. Rekha and team helped me by giving easy to make recipes as per my medical condition and a progressive schedule. The team has helped me achieve my health goals by advising proper diet, medication and also by motivating me throughout the program.


I extend my appreciation to Dr. Rekha and the entire team for creating a program that enriched my knowledge of Ayurveda, imparting valuable do's and don'ts, and enabling me to learn something new every day. As I conclude this program, I do so with a wealth of knowledge, a commitment to mindful eating, the adoption of healthy habits, the incorporation of simple yet effective routines, and a lighter body. My sincere thanks go out to all the coordinators as well; your collective efforts have been truly commendable. I look forward to the possibility of meeting you all in the future. Please consider offering long-term support options for participants who want to continue their Ayurvedic journey beyond the program.


yurveda came as a big rescue to me. Everywhere i went to get myself treated Each and every doctor told me i will have to take medicines lifelong and the medicines had side effects.But when i came across dr rekha I got a hope that things would be fine soon And i strtd my journey with ayurveda . I was suffering from Sjögren’s syndrome. Before joining the progrM here i had body pains , joint pains, dryness in eyes Nd mouth ,constipTion, gas, burning sensTion , i used to be very lazy, i used to get tired very easily. After joining the progrM here Everything chNged for better. My body pains are no more there. Joint pains have reduced almost completely. No gas issues, constipation, burning sensTion. I feel very active now . Everyone who were part of this program helped me recover from my autoimmune illness. Any emergency , you people were always available even if it was a week off for you . Best team of doctors and dietician ❤️Will always reach you guys incase of any problems and i know you guys will always be ready to help us. I am proud to say that i have been following ayurveda now for 6months and making people around also to do the same ❤️The way you people helped me …. I wish you change many more life’s And will always recommend people to reach upto guys ❤️ Thank you team, for the constant support and Dr rekha for helping me believe in ayurveda Will always be gratefull to you people. The best team ❤️


I had eczema I used to get itchy flaky skin on my palm. Dr. Rekha and team have helped a lot in achieving my normal skin back by changing my diet and lifestyle adding healing herbs I had seen alot of improvement in this programme. Doctor was really supportive and answered all my concerns also doctor not only focused on my skin issues she took care of my overall health. The team constantly monitored my diet .


“ gained back myself A beautiful journey , a beautiful program which nourished me inside out , met beautiful people in this journey of healing my mind, soul and body . This program gave me an inside perspective of what food , discipline and ayurveda can do 360 degree changes to one's life and health . Lost pounds in a healthy way , got a healthy gut on the way , beautiful hair and skin and most of all met such beautiful souls . Special thanks to the Team, thank you for giving me so much more than my health, a beautiful caring , genuine hard working team 😊. 💯percent satisfied customer .


I have eaten the cleanest of my meals in these 3 months. The journey had been a rough one with ups and downs but I have always had the Team with me whenever I had any queries or support. They have always been there for medical guidance and proper medical advice, been a booster of my mental health and constantly sharing sweet, mentally soothing strengthening messages to ensure that I don't give up. I truly can't thank each one of you enough and Dr. Rekha for creating such a wonderful team and such life changing treatment plans. I am immensely glad that all our paths crossed and I shall be in touch with u all 🥰


I have been on a 3 month program with doctor Rekha . I Had gut issues and frequent bowel movements after every meal , I was not able to digest anything. Once the program started, I was so energetic while I was on the program . My sleep schedules have improved . It’s been 7 months since I have completed my program and now I can digest anything. My health is improving day by day . Thank you so much Doctor Rekha 🙏🏻❤️ You are the best doctor in the whole world 🌎 . And the team support was Always with me to motivate me to stick to the plan . My journey was very beautiful and special thanks to my Team , they are amazing, the way they have guided me throughout is incredible, And I have got such amazing friend too ❤️ I am happy that I found Rekha Mam on Instagram. It has changed my life completely. I feel blessed 😇.


I'm grateful to the entire team I was given. Team has made me consistent with the routines which have changed my lifestyle and I am confident that I will do this for my lifetime. Thanks to Dr.Rekha and the Team for being the best and guiding me throughout on what to eat and what not to eat. Team you were like a soul friend, I got connected with you very easily. Thanks to the entire team for helping me understand what my body can digest, I now know what I should eat, my skin problems, farting problems have been addressed and I will follow all your advice to keep my health intact.


It's almost a year since I started seeing Dr Rekha for Sjogren's syndrome and thyroid issue . I had severe dryness of mouth which used to cause choking during night, severe eye dryness which lead to vision problems and also had difficulty in blinking n many more issues. I couldn't stay outdoor for long, n was also suffering from frequent dehydration. Even after consuming enough water, symptoms continued to worsen everyday. I initially enrolled for a 3 months Gut program. Complete history of my daily routine n food intake was assessed before the start of the program. Then a detailed plan was prepared which included daily schedule of wake up time , workout routine, quantity of food intake, type of food to be consumed as per my body type, medicines, etc... Within one month into the program I started noticing the changes in my body. Though my appetite ,skin n hair improved a lot by the end of 3 months, I was keen on continuing to work with Dr Rekha for couple more months to recover fully. I did a Gut cleanse after 5 months into the program which greatly improved my condition. I started feeling good and normal again about myself which I had never felt in the last 6yrs since the diagnosis. I continued all the medication and food which was initially advised . Now I get tears when I cry and tongue feels wet, my joints and skin feels normal. My quality of life has greatly improved. Recently I was advised a Vamana cleanse. I did this for about 4 days with the support of Dr Rekha's team. Today as my cleanse ended, I am feeling very hopeful, my gut feels good. Skin feels good. It's a feeling difficult to describe but I can say I am feeling like a whole new me again. I don't have choking sensation any more. Though there is still not enough saliva formation, I can talk and stay without drinking water for longer hours which itself is a great progress I see. In the coming days I can confidently say I will be absolutely normal. I am very glad to have found Dr Rekha as my doctor. Her team is excellent and has the best team. I would like to thank Sadhika, Arwa, Dr lakshya, lekshmy, Gautam for continued support. They are very kind and gave all the support without hesitation.


My journey with Dr. Rekha & team started on 10 june 2020 and it's going to be 9 months now. I am thankful to you Dr Rekha and your team for helping me in this journey.. you & your team have been a huge daily support throughout the programme. I have benefited from your programme a lot… I never felt like I was missing food or not getting to eat…you gave lots of options for lunch dinner n breakfast ..i am very happy that i tried it out. never thought that eating right could do such wonders to the body. I was eating as per your guidance and lost 12kg . not just the weight, my overall health has improved .. Thanks is just a small word to express my gratitude towards you! 🙏 To Team, Thank you for being my daily support system. There were times when I felt like giving up but your messages motivated me to continue. you handled all my tantrums without complaining! You are very kind and helpful ! Thank you for everything! I will definitely miss you . You are like my family. Also, you are always a message away from my problems. Even during my covid time u treated me very well. I didn't feel like I was covid patient….your vast ayurveda knowledge and quick home remedies treated me very well.. god bless you! Thank you for everything. Your messages & insta reels always motivated me. Thanks alot !!!


I joined a 3-month weight loss program with Dr. Rekha and I had a very good experience overall. I am new to the Ayurvedic lifestyle and medicines and hence I was skeptical initially. Dr. Rekha tried to get to know me as in my eating habits, lifestyle, nature of the mind and then designed a course for me based on that which I really appreciate. I wouldn't say it was a cakewalk but there is a lot one gets to take away from this program that could be applied throughout life. Dr. Rekha's expertise on Ayurveda was evident and that was the reason I dived into this. Team made sure I eat, exercise, and do dinacharya every day as per the plan. They did a great job in helping me with keeping at it so that I do not lose focus and be on track. They subtly guided me and firmly pushed me to meet my targets. Also overseeing the program and made sure my spirits didn't drop which was a big feat. I lost 9 Kgs in 2 months and 3 weeks which is a big deal for me given that I could not motivate myself for the past 4 years. I appreciate the daily routine I was introduced to through this program which helped me with my mental health as well. I would like to extend thanks to the Team for their support during the program.


I was forced to join this program by my daughter.. Very very reluctantly I did. To be very honest I was not hopeful. I had tried many diets in the past and nothing worked. I was fed up with my aches and pains and weight gain. For the first month I followed the program like a zombie not bothered about the results just to keep my family happy. I was shocked when in my first review call I realized that I had lost 3 and 1/2 kilos without much effort. The magic was in the food and the medications. That was it for me! I started paying attention to my food. I spent time in the morning choosing recipes, tweaking recipes and looking forward to having delicious meals everyday. This prompted me to start working out. I started counting my steps and yoga. I extended the program for next three months and towards the end I lost almost 13 kilos which was a miracle! Big thank you to the team who helped me to achieve my goals! This band of women were always there for me with their kind words, sound advice and funny GIFS.. I will truly miss them all!


I have learnt the real way of living life. I feel so light , energetic and happy. I lost almost 19-20 kgs in 6 months that is remarkable because I didn’t starved, I just adopted ayurvedic lifestyle taught by dr. Rekha. I learnt to love enjoy homemade food. I have happy relationship with food now. I enjoy dal, rice, and sabji more over junk food. I really want to thank Dr Rekha. Team members are also so supportive. I love you all.♥️♥️♥️


I don’t even know where to get started about Dr Rekha and her team. I started at a time when I had gained over 20 lbs postpartum. I was extremely unmotivated and had low energy levels. Their initial focus was to get consistency in following routines, diet and step count. They understood my pace and told me to gradually increase it. Team kept me accountable on a daily basis but understood when life happened and wasn’t pushy. I have vented to them about my parenting struggles. They heard me out and positively encouraged me. It was almost like getting a hug from a friend during low times. They were able to suggest healthy menu options when I had restaurant outings. I had chronic constipation all my life and after 3 months, I feel great for it to have resolved. They customized the plan to make sure it was gentle enough and I was well nourished for breastfeeding and even with that I saw great results in weight loss. They suggested home remedies when I was sick and tweaks in my plan until I got better. I loved Team's notes explaining the whys behind the routines. My energy levels are a lot higher. I feel a lot like myself now. I have come a long way with Dr Rekha and her team. I am a lot more in control of my life and doing things that bring me joy. I am truly grateful for the support and personal attention I received from you all. Will miss my daily reminders and accountability.


I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2020. The world was facing a new pandemic and I was facing a pandemic of my own. The modern medical doctor put me on steroids as any other medicine was not compatible to my body. Also I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance and already had PCOS. I was taking so many pills a day. Suffering from headaches, anxiety, low energy, body aches, irritability to name a few. After nearly 2 years of unsuccessfully managing my conditions, I consulted Dr.Rekha and enrolled in her 6 month program. Dr Rekha and her team have worked in teaching and developing my relationship with my body. Ayurvedic food and lifestyle has helped me so much that I can now say that I am cured. Dr. Rekha and her team were there at each and every moment through my journey, right from waking up till I slept at night. My relationship with myself, my body and food has changed in such a positive way that I can say that food has healed me. Big shoutout to Ayurveda, Dr. Rekha for carrying on our roots so authentically and her team for always being there.


I started this journey when I was at my lowest in health and today when this program is ending, I feel I am living my best life. This program has taught me to be disciplined and mindful. I was suffering from ulcerative colitis and PCOS. This program has made my relation with food change. The nourishment and enrichment of self is the foremost thing I take away from this program. I can gladly say that I know how to manage my food and live a completely normal life. Thanks to the dedicated Dr Rekha and her equally dedicated Team who helped me achieve my goal. Big shoutout to all of you.


I had pcos . When it was not so severe the tablets worked. I tried fasting seeing some nutritionist videos. Which had a bad affect on my health. Then the tablets and the nutritionist program didt work. And to my worst the supplement tablets gave me infections . Maybe they all didt workout because I had to find the best(ayurveda) . My gynac never talked about healing . But in 1st month of trying ayurveda itself I saw many changes in my health . While on this program I had the opportunity to learn what all foods work for me . And the recipes turned out delicious . The team was all coordinated and they supported me all through the program . I can say that my health will improve a lot better in coming three months. I just have that faith now .


A.Hi Team, so here's a bit of my testimonial, trying to keep it short: I especially enjoyed the first month, it has changed so much for the better and helped me to be consistent in my routine and keep going with it, not cheating with meals - even though I really don't like taking pictures of my food in general, I understood the reason behind it, which made it easier for me. Exactly this kind of accountability is what in the end makes the whole program so effective, and what other type of consultations are missing. To change habits one definitely needs support, especially in the first month. I noticed very quickly several improvements - like no more hairfall, daily bowel movements in the morning - something which I was struggling before, and then clean wipe - this was like a dream come true and something I never would have thought is even possible to have! I had so much more structure in my whole day by following the simple yet effective morning routine, my sleep got sooo much better, I managed to fall asleep in a matter of minutes and only wake up in the morning. My menstrual cycle was ok before and it got even better. But the most important thing is I learned a lot from this experience, and understand now why and where the symptoms come from, what food to choose when, this is why I understand that my arthritis condition takes longer to completely heal, also the bumps, the overall blood circulation. And I'm fascinated by how just keeping things simple, giving the body the right environment, it will just heal itself, you just have to let it and not overload it with unnecessary stuff - both mentally and physically. I totally appreciate the support of the whole team, especially in the beginning, as well as your patience throughout, answering ALL my questions, especially you Team 🙌! And encouraging me to try out the tikkis 😅😎🤗. I'm thankful for also giving me the space I needed and time for myself - which I definitely need. As for the improvements for the program, this is only personal like the motivational quotes, were too often or too many for me, as I feel often stressed about them, because I not always have the time to read them or am in the mood 😉😬for them, but then I have to react... I think for me once-twice a month would have been enough, not weekly. Other than that 5 stars👏😇🙌😘 Lastly I felt blessed to be accompanied by your energy, thank you Team!!! Lots of blessings going your way from Berlin and from my heart 🌈😘💞to yours💞 Oh and before I forget, of course the one and only Dr. Rekha also.


Clear improvement, compared to earlier photos. The marks are fading slowly. My skin is also less inflamed, and much more healthy than when I started. People are also telling me there's a lot of change, skin is shining more. I didn't get a single facial in the last 10 months because of acne. Thanks a lot for personalizing the program for me. It meant a lot that you tried hard to help me. You nudged me a lot - which is what I needed the most in this program. Thanks Team, good job to you too! 🙂


Facial swelling reduced


I've suffered from psoriasis for the past 20 yrs. I've tried all kinds of treatments from allopathic, homeopathic, acupuncture etc. When I started following Dr. Rekha on Instagram I felt this is something I want to try. I was skeptical at first as I live in the US and how will it work long distance. I have to say it was done so seamlessly and effortlessly by Dr. Rekha and her team. Dr. Rekha was so warm and genuinely caring. She would listen to all my issues intently on our zoom calls. She's a plethora of information on everything. The Team was always on the WhatsApp groups for all kinds of my queries and doubts, They were my rock, constantly encouraging and pushing me to follow my program. I really couldn't have done it without their constant watch. When I would fall back or do things not good for me they would gently bring me back to where I needed to be. Their quotes along with other inspirational songs kept me inspired and uplifted. My skin condition has improved a lot. I've learned so so so much in this program that I see food differently, in a good way of course. I understand how my gut health is so important to all my normal body functions. I loved this program ❤️

SKIN & HAIR CARE PROGRAM Nazneen Khaleeluddin

My Hba1c dropped from 7.4 to 6.4!!! I was happy seeing it 🙂 Thanks a lot. I was skeptic now and then. Not becoz i didn have faith in your ability but in a way, i did not have faith in my body i guess. The result is definitely a booster.


My Hba1c dropped from 7.4 to 6.4!!! I was happy seeing it 🙂 Thanks a lot. I was skeptic now and then. Not becoz i didn have faith in your ability but in a way, i did not have faith in my body i guess. The result is definitely a booster.


I was asked by my doctor to slowly reduce the dosage of the Thyroid medication I was on alongwith a healthy lifestyle change. Before I got on a consultation with Dr Rekha & her wonderful team I had Gut issues …Indigestion…Disturbed sleep ….Waking up almost everyday with a swollen face…unable to understand the food combinations…mostly everything to do with my Gut. I was on a wonderful 3 months program with Dr Rekha n her team They helped me understand my food combinations…basic changes like getting sleep right …inclusion of certain foods on a daily basis like buttermilk…gut cleanse every month ….All of this helped me with the issues I was facing & I even lost about 4-5kgs in the process Im happy to say that my relationship with food has changed now ..also since my weight loss was healthy Im happy to say that I have still maintained it & haven’t put on any of the weight back. Also , I completely got off the Thyroid medicine. Im so glad to have found Dr Rekha on Instagram…Will always be Immensely grateful to Dr Rekha & her team❤️


Dear Rekha, Team I never believed that I could say no to food when I started this journey. The first month was very tough. My sinuses bad. And the Team pushed me to 11 days if horrible torture before they gave me permission to take my allopathy. But they made me realize my strength. Where I used to take 60 tablets a month, I have got it down to 8 to 10 a month. They used to meet me in zoom twice a month and patiently hear all my stupid doubts, but this Team for all the meekness I thought they had, was tough with me when they had to be. I was like that student ready to bunk. Miss classes. So all the notorious things which I know are not right. But they are an angel with immense patience and once they even threatened my saying they are going to be strict with me. 1000 kms away from where I live , they had the capacity to monitor me. It made me realize their commitment towards me and my goals. Never did they miss a day with me. Patiently hearing me out. Dear Team, this loss of 4 kg I attribute to your patience, Their friendly support and the evergreen Rekha who was always ready to listen to my weirdest queries. My walking became better with this activity, my skin tone improved. Food you need is reduced on its own. And moreover blissful sleep I get. Thanks to each one of you. I hope this talk doesn't end with client Doctor relations. You all have a reserved place in my heart beyond all these commercial deals that we did. I will refer to as many people I Know who need to add value and meaning to their lives. Who get the opportunity to get introduced to themselves through this program. Thank you to each one of you and I am definitely elder to each of you, so my heartfelt blessings to all of you . Do the good job of touching various lives. Keep up the good job of bringing smiles on people's faces. Live you all loads. Waiting to meet each of you


It's been a 6-month long weight loss journey for my mother (age 58), and I am proud to say that she has lost 10 kg in these 6 months. She's been suffering from obesity for the past 10 years. She had put on so much weight after her accident (Scooty). She had tried every possible way to keep her weight under control. She had joined the gym with me but had to leave. She tried fasting for days but had to consume food due to weakness. I can't even explain what possible things she has tried. But luckily, her struggle ended when I introduced her to Dr. Rekha. I discovered her ads on Instagram and immediately connected with her after scrolling through her feed. The result that my mother has achieved is tremendous. She had a joint pain problem which has resolved to 90% now. She can now walk 8K steps daily without feeling breathlessness. Her cholesterol and thyroid levels are under control. Her BP is normal. She feels more energetic than ever before. I can't thank Team and her team enough for keeping an eye on her.


I started my association with Dr Rekha and team from mid December.I enrolled into 3 months program. I am a hypothyroid patient, After being hit by malaria in the year 2021 I started suffering from various physical and mental issues like high anxiety, negative thoughts , poor digestion , insomnia.weight issues and inflammation I was given medication as per my body type. Dr. Rekha and team also focused on improving my gut health and these 3 months I was under a nutritionist and a Doc to look into my daily diet and other issues. There were fortnightly calls to look into improvements in my symptoms. I am grateful to Dr Aparna for guiding me well on the medication and making changes in them as and when required. I am Immensely grateful and thankful to Sadhika for correcting my diet which played a huge role in improving my health. After correction in my diet I am finding a lot of improvement in my energy levels , I no more experience negative thoughts and anxiety, My digestion has improved. I am also getting good and deep sleep. Though my weight hasn’t reduced I have lost inches. I also did a cleanse where proper instructions were given by Sadhika and Dr Aparna. Everything was explained and instructed well on whats app. After the cleanse I can see lot of improvements in my energy levels and I feel more light and flexible. I strongly recommend Dr Rekha and team for treating ailments as they look into deeper and core issues and the results are reflected soon because the treatment is done as per the body type. Grateful and Thankful to Dr Rekha and team🙏🏻


A.Hello everybody! With this program I learnt so many new things in my daily routine like doing Nasya, Abhyanga followed by a warm shower... This program brings discipline in my life. And I never felt anything missing in my meals. So many varieties and combinations were there in plan. It develops my sense of mindful cooking and mindful eating as well.I was very impressed with Doctor Rekha by her Instagram posts. Her post about REVERSE IBS and Food IS Medicine made me join her program 😍 Doctor was telling me that my problem is very old and it will take time to cure completely. I also agree with this. About my Asthma, dealing with this makes me more uncomfortable if I don't use an inhaler daily. Team's guidance is just amazing, In Spite of different time zone she was all time aware of my routine.Her concern is just superb💖💖 Whenever I needed any help from her she promptly responded. They guided me whenever I was in need.❣️❣️ Motivational msgs always brings my spirits high🙏💙💜 So looking forward to live a healthy and disease free life very soon with you guys.💓 Very big thanks to all of you from bottom of my 🧡 These days will always cherish me in my life💙💜


Hello, My experience with this 3 month plan is absolutely amazing .The support and guidance I got is incredible . I understand sometimes some things take more time and patience .But the kind of improvement and changes I can see in my body are nothing less than what I always wanted . After the plan I know which path to follow . Please pass on my regards to Dr Rekha . And Team and I cannot thank you enough . You guys became like family . I generally don't express much even to my friends . But sometimes here in the group I was able to somehow clear my thoughts and difficulties . Thankyou for all the encouragement and motivation throughout the programme . I wish in future we cross path and meet again and I can show my increased weight in the weighing scale ☺️ Once again thank you very much .you guys are doing a wonderful stuff .wish you all the best in whatever you do


Hi! My name is Padmini Datwani… I am 57 years old and a Home maker… I live in Mumbai, India I got to know about Doctor Rekha on Instagram and I really liked her posts & I was very impressed with her knowledge of Ayurveda & how the right food can help our imbalanced doshas… I had been suffering from IBS, Diarrhoea for quite a few months & so my husband took an appointment for a consultation for me with Dr Rekha….to my shock when I ran the blood tests prescribed before the consultation a lot of my levels were haywire!!! My HbA1c was at 8!!! I had hypothyroidism!! My cholesterol was very high! I was totally stunned! I had my consultation with Dr Rekha at the end of August & she assured me that all will be taken care of… I started the 3 month plan with her… At the end of 3 months when I got my blood work done again my HbA1c had come down to 6.7… my thyroid was absolutely in the normal range( without any allopathic medicine), my cholesterol levels had come down…I had lost about 8 kgs of weight( after eating rice in practically every meal!!)…. I started sleeping so much better…. & my energy levels had gone up marginally… I was thrilled with the results & decided to continue with the plan for another 3 months which has brought my sugar & cholesterol levels down even more… Thanks to Dr Rekha’s competent team which backed & monitored me - be it the routines prescribed, the medicines & the food - with such love & dedication I am in a much healthier place! I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of them… a BIG Thank you to Dr Anu, Arwa, ⁨Devi⁩, Dhrashti & Fatima who guided & took such good care of me through this Ayurvedic journey !!God Bless each one of you for your kindness in handling me & teaching me how to live my life with such discipline without it becoming boring!!!


Doctor Rekha’s program is so far the best Lifestyle coaching program I’ve come across in the world. One can achieve desired results, be it weight loss or reversing any autoimmune diseases. If this cannot help you, nothing in the world can. Her team is fully trained and there is no deviation from the principles of ayurveda. Thank you for inspiring and never letting the spirit of the program disappear, for keeping concise check on everything, ensuring I stick to the schedule and special thanks to Doctor for being there for me, supporting, guiding and clearing all my queries


Dearest Dr.Rekha &Team ⭐️ Rekha ma’am,I am truly , extremely grateful to have found you . First of all it’s extremely hard to find authentic people, truly committed to helping people. If that commitment is there, no matter what happens you know you are will be take care. 🙏🏽I can vouch that you and your team are throughly committed to sincerely and genuinely helping out your patients with utmost expertise, care and respect. program . Maam, your program helped in having the most manageable periods I ever had in past 10 years. Being more active, thicker hair and brighter skin is simply a bonus. You have taught me lifestyle changes maam. Will continue the learning I got from this program 🥳. A big thanks to the Team who were available each and every time I needed her, always with bright smile ensuring all concerns are addressed. Thank you ma’am. Team has become like my family. Constantly reminding of my goal and ensuring the focus is not lost. Thank you dear. Team, very smart in identifying the untold emotions and pitching in to fill those gaps making you open up beyond your expectations. Lol. Thank you dear. Anyone out there contemplating whether or not to enroll on Dr.Rekha’s program, be aware that you will be heard and taken care. It might not be a smooth and easy path but whatever it is , you are in safe hands. Any issue I encounter in future , I am coming back to you Dr.Rekha


My experience with Dr Rekha and her team in the last 2 months has been life changing. I have struggled to get my weight off for the last years 4 yrs due to PCOS. I had reached to a point where I could not figure out where to start with the whole weight loss journey. I had always been lean and seeing my own self with that extra 15kg thrashed my confidence and self esteem The diet recommended by DrRekha did not deprive me off anything that I had liked which gave me hope and I could see myself getting through this program. Team was extremely helpful in guiding me and helping me stay on track on a daily basis. With their help I started to see a difference on my working scale within 2 weeks by simplifying following the dinacharya and diet suggested. Most importantly I felt good at the end of each day and I know it’s just matter of few more weeks I can get back my old self


‘I decided to join Dr Rekha’s exclusive 3 month program as I was suffering from gas, bloating, acidity and anxiety issues for a very long time and it is one of the best decisions I have made. It was wonderful talking to Dr Rekha. She is very friendly and approachable. She gave me a clear understanding of my doshas and imbalances and how I must eat accordingly to balance them. She introduced me to the Ayurvedic way of eating and stress management and this has now become a part of my lifestyle. I would also like to thank Team for motivating and supporting me throughout the program. It was lovely interacting with them. They took good care of me, encouraged me and helped me whenever I had any doubts or questions. I couldn’t have asked for a better team! It was truly a great experience as I feel so much lighter and my energy levels are better after incorporating these lifestyle changes. My digestion has improved, skin looks better and I have also lost weight. I would highly recommend Dr Rekha’s program for improving your overall health and wellbeing!’


I was having constant gas and discomfort after having food. Having a history of GERD, had to face a lot of acidity issues as well. I had come across Dr. Rekha's page and felt like giving it a try since the methods and reviews looked promising. I am really glad I made this decision. They shared a routine to follow, provided a diet according to my issues and monitored it regularly. Used to have a review call every 15 days. I must say that the results are great. My mood is usually better. The issues have also reduced to a good extent. Skin feels much improved. And I see a great difference in my anxiety and worrying habits. In the entire journey, the Team stood with me like solid rock pillars. They always listened to me patiently and were there in case of any doubts/issues I had. I feel grateful to have them.


Dear team, I cannot have found a better team to work with. This has been a life altering experience and I know I am on the right track mentally, physically and spiritually. I have especially appreciated how responsive everyone is. I got answers to all my questions and saw great improvement in my health. The journey isn’t over for me yet so I will continue .. again, thank you so so much for everything you did and continue to do


Ladies, I am so grateful for our time together, for the way you have positively impacted me and you have completely transformed my life. At the beginning of the program I could have never imagined how much my life would change, all thanks to your daily guidance, advice and support. Thank you for changing me for the better. I feel I am a completely new person, my physical being, my mental and emotional beings and my spirit. I would not be here without all of you. You have given me the single biggest gift since I birthed my daughters. You have given me back me. I do not know how I could possibly thank you enough. What I can offer is my support for the amazing work that you do. My door is always open in Canada and if there is anything I can do to help you with your business or bringing more people from Canada into your programs, please let me know. I would love for the opportunity to exchange karma and help you all in any way that I can.Thank you so much, from my heart to yours. Take care!!Sending you all so much love


Too much to express, here I go Have been suffering with irritation, anger, frustration, low in energy, many things since many years, But this program has just made me feel calm, light, positive and composed.. My Gut feels good, have also lost weight, Increase in energy. About monthly periods I literally got scared because of irregularities, heavy bleeding, but my cycle is regular now, only within a month I could feel the change. I guess this program just corrects the whole system of the body. Angels, like a Team ,have been so kind, loving and inspirational to me. I also got chance to meet Doctor Rekha face to face, amazing positive personality . She is doing great deed giving ayurveda knowledge for daily life style, which does make our life at ease. Trust me, don’t give second thought, try the gut healing program it does change the life and give lots of positivity. Trust the whole team, there medicines and the team replies to all the questions very patiently, they also understand to the emotional level. Lots of Love and blessing to doctor Rekha and her awesome beautiful team.


Ohh no! Can’t believe this program is coming to an end 🥺 Thank you so much Team for those wonderful wishes ❤️😍😍 And thanks a lot to the whole team for being with us through this wonderful journey. I felt confident throughout my pregnancy journey, as I know I have you guys for any go to 😀 not exaggerating but this feels like a college farewell for me. Very emotional 🥲 Whenever I think of my journey with Girija (yes, that’s gonna be our daughter’s name ❤️) it will never be complete without you guys. And you guys were the first one we started announcing our happy news 😍 so you’ll will always be part of our wonderful memory lane Last but not least, special special thanks to Team. Thank you so much for being so patient and amazing through this journey Team. Our day was never complete without your message, and we will surely miss that from you. But everyone stay in touch ❤️❤️


A sincere gratitude to Dr. Rekha & Team for helping me deliver a happy & healthy baby under the shade of Ayurveda. I have had a combination of pregnancy-related complications that worried me despite my best foot forward. Having followed Dr. Rekha on Instagram, it has helped me gain awareness of age old & time tested Ayurveda. With a leap of faith, I have reached out to Dr. Rekha seeking pregnancy & postpartum care which has proven to be a beacon shedding love, light & wisdom. Following the consultation, a tailored plan was made specific to my condition & well supported by a team who continued to offer unwavering guidance. Here I go, onward and forward. My journey continues as I embark onto a gut health program to reset & recharge with the power of Ayurveda! Thank you Dr. Rekha & Team for helping me & fellow beings!


Hi Team, thanks for being there. I think my eating habits have changed considerably over the past 6 months. Thanks once again to you both. I know I haven't been super responsive lately but it's more to do with workload. We enjoyed the program to the fullest. 😁😍😁😍

MEN’s HEALTH PROGRAM Krishna Gorishetti

My testimony: I always believed that Ayurveda could provide greater insights into foods and the way we consume what we eat. There is greater knowledge within the domains of Ayurveda which go beyond just classifying foods as carbs/proteins/minerals etc. traditional medicines combine those aspects with the nature of food itself. A 3 month program with Dr Rekha and her team - Dr Aparna, Arwa and Janhavi introduced me to a lifestyle regime which matched the nature of what I consumed to my individual nature, also called ‘Prakruti’ in Ayurveda parlance. I knew that I came from a family with men developing weak guts as they aged and that what I wanted to address. So I signed up for a - Gut Health Improvement Program. I also had deviation in my lipid profile and had been a mild hypertension patient on a daily tablet dosage. I frequently suffered from acidity, indigestion, migraine headaches etc. The first month I followed all procedures as required, also doing a cleanse. The diet was ok for me having rice and though on a carb free diet for a few months, I started having rice. I also had food from outside but within the defined parameters. After the first month I saw my weight starting to decrease though that was not the primary goal. At the end of second month I had dropped almost 8%body weight, developed regular motion cycles and gotten rid of any digestive issues. My blood report showed all parameters well within the range with big drop in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol etc. My sleep cycles also improved. My cardiologist advised me to discontinue my medication after 7years. The program helped me learn about the food groups that suit me and now the choice remains with me if I use this knowledge to my advantage or choose to cheat my health. But I recommend all those who would like to learn about the natural way of keeping healthy to sign up for this program and enjoy its benefits!

MEN’s HEALTH PROGRAM Avinash Kachroo

"Nutrition is the most important because from a proper wholesome and balanced diet, all the body constituents—dosha, dhatu and mala—are formed. That is why it is said that 'we are what we eat'. Food is not only essential for our physical well-being but it provides nutrition for our mind as well"-Dhanya, 2019 It is so true we are what we eat; before joining the intervention, I did not know much about Ayurvedic insights on food habits. Thanks to Dr. Rekha and her team for shedding the wisdom and knowledge about our traditional way of living. Because of constant effort and dedication from Team, I must admit that I have become much more aware of incorrect eating habits and lifestyles. Because of them, I understood that weight loss is the ultimate goal but strengthening immune systems and gut functioning is much more imperative. Both of them were so compassionate in their words and encouraging and made sure that I didn't fall back. Uncluttered mind and body help to achieve spiritual objectives, so thank you for teaching me that. LOve


I am so glad to have found Dr.Rekha’s page on instagram. I have been curious to know more about the Ayurvedic way of living as I didn’t know much about it. Through this 3 month program it has given me a brief insight into what needs to be done on a daily basis which includes the daily routines, timings & foods that are good for me and that are not. I’m so happy to have learnt all this through this experience. And would like to continue to practice the same as much as possible throughout my life. I’m aware that results take time, but I do have faith that my condition will improve and I am ready to wait patiently for the same. Thank you to the entire team for guiding me through this process.


I started this program as a clean slate, completely surrendered to see what an Ayurvedic program like this would offer to a layman like me. My version of Ayurveda has always been kashayams and massages. :-)😀 From the initial process of getting to talk to the admin team for enrolling until the end, it had been seemingly smooth. I did see this team as a group of young, mature adults who knew their craft. Team, you all have been great pillars of support throughout the program and always understood my plight and emotions. I really appreciate your patience and support during my down days. Team, I loved your sweet virtual nudges during the days I gave up and really appreciate your relentless follow-ups. The daily messages and the forwards were something I enjoyed reading and reflecting on. For the first time in years, I experienced how the gut can feel calm and this calmness penetrated every cell. For the first time in years, I had been off the painkiller for more than a month. My heartfelt gratitude to the whole team for transforming many lives. Dr. Rekha, A big THANK YOU to you. If not for your Instagram posts, I would not have met some wonderful people and experienced what I did. It was a reflective journey. These three months will definitely be a milestone in my life.


Wanted to share the experience of this 3 months journey of healing. Often healing is perceived as linear but my journey was anything but linear. It started off well but started to fall sick often with fever and acidity and different things kept surfacing. It was the Team’s continuous review and support which helped to change course of action as it was required. She was patient, calm and the explanation of body’s response helped me to believe that I will get better eventually. Every review I could notice things were slowly shifting how energetic I started feeling, could wake-up without a struggle, how change in food & sleep habits started showing subtle but substantial results. After 3 months some of the crucial health markers have improved by following the basics taught. They are amazing with their knowledge and answers all the doubts I had about food and ayurvedic practices. They definitely know their clients and can read them well… Trying to keep the engine running by her regular follow-ups, scheduling the reviews. Thank you, Team! Last but not least Dr. Rekha herself who has created an amazing team. Her value system and treatment methods reflect in her team and exactly is what we hear her speak in the social media. Gratitude to you for bringing this healing journey to all your patients 🙏🏻


I had the pleasure of being under the care of the Ayurvedic team for the past three months and I couldn't be more grateful. Jennifer, my nutritionist, was an incredible source of support and guidance throughout my journey. Arwa, the head nutritionist, was always a joy to work with, and her humor and zest for life made every interaction a delight. Dr. Arpna was incredibly knowledgeable and always available to answer any questions or concerns I had. Dr. Rekha, the team's leader, built an amazing community that provided me with the emotional, physical, and mental support I needed to make positive changes in my life. Although I am still working on myself, I now feel equipped with the necessary skills to better take care of my health. I am truly grateful for each and every person on the team, and it is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to them as our program comes to an end. However, I am comforted knowing that I can continue to learn from Dr. Rekha through social media, and I am looking forward to hopefully visiting her in person one day. The Ayurvedic team's care and dedication have made a significant impact on my life, and I would highly recommend them to anyone seeking a holistic approach to their health & wellbeing


The glow oil / varnyam oil was the best thing I purchased. I applied it at night and it helped me sleep so well and i woke up with a beautiful glow! My cheeks felt supple and bouncy. I absolutely love it, have started applying it during the day too now 🥰


Hi Ma'am,I used lots and lots of creams and oil for glow and to treat acne but did not get results.I came across your glow oil and glow pack,i ordered and got both but did not use it for few weeks.Actually to be frank i did not believe it but got as there were good reviews. But after using it wooooooow i can see great difference in my skin. Its glowing ,plumped and my acne scars are getting reduced. Thank you sooooooooo much for such great products. Best wishes for you and your team Ma'am.


Received Kajol and facepack Kajol is just amazing 🤩 It’s giving cooling and soothing effect for my eyes Thanks for your hard wrk to prepare this product

PRODUCTS Dr. Hussain Baig

The glow oil works fantastic fr cracked lips. Just wanted to let u know.

PRODUCTS Vidhya Bhatt

Doctor Rekha’s pain oil works like MAGIC. I had knee problem since 2 months and after applying only for a week my pain is gone Thank you DOCTOR REKHA 🙏🏻🙏🏻

PAIN OIL Timsi Shah
GLOW OIL Kairshma
Hair oil & Triphala shampoo Deepthi Thomas

Hey Your kajal is better than any other kajal in terms of quality but I must say it is wayyyy better than M.A.C 's kajal in terms of smudging also🤩

Medicated Kajal, Glow oil & Triphala shampoo Vasoya Amee

Hello Dr.Rekha. Look at my eyes...they are adorned with your kajal. They don't smudge. What else do you want. My search for a perfect kajal has ended here. Thanks a ton❤️❤️

Medicated Kajal, Glow oil & Triphala shampoo Nidhi Bansod

The three day cleanse with Doctor Rekha and team is something that I would highly recommend anyone to undergo at least once. It’s literally a detox in its truest essence. The three day cleanse has been very effectively and efficiently planned out making it easier for one to understand and implement. I felt clean and light post the cleanse devoid of any tirednesses . Moreover, I felt energetic and so ready for the next day. To those who wonder whether your gut becomes clean in 3 days, I have to say it really does 😊. Doctor Rekha and team have a very simplistic way of approaching things. The WhatsApp group created truly helps as it ensures we remain committed and accountable to the cleanse with constant guidance and follow ups from nutritionists and doctors. Also, I would like to thank the Team & Dr. Rekha for constant support and of course for patiently answering my never ending queries 🙈😅. The smallest encouraging compliment given to me made a huge difference in the small milestones achieved during cleanse. Thank you to all of you for extending so much warmth and most importantly for making me feel good 😊😊.

CLEANSE Krishnapriya Nair (Virechana 3 days)

I got diagnosed with a 7.8 hb1ac and high cholesterol. My primary care physician said I had to immediately go on metformin, my cardiologist said I had to give up all carbohydrates, rice or wheat, and try quinoa and chickpeas, he said. He also suggested appetite-inhibiting drugs as a possibility. I was not yet overweight in my BMI index, but I tried all of them except the appetite-inhibiting drugs! To only give up in helplessness. I remembered that I wanted to take a holistic health course with Dr. Rekha, being her big fan, and got back in touch with her team. By then I had decided not to go with metformin not being able to deal with the nausea and weakness. When Dr. Rekha sent my nutrition plan, I was in heaven. Rice three times a day was ok! Nobody could believe this. But 3 months and my hb1ac were back in the pre-diabetic range, measuring 6.0. And I was eating food to nourish my body and soul. The medicine took time to get used to, but how effective they were! The routines were a gift. I want to keep this program as a gift to myself every few years, even if my numbers are okay. I didn't go in expecting miracles, but I got one! Dr. Rekha has the magical touch, and her team is one of the finest, they are cheerleading you throughout your journey. I couldn't have done it without their constant help, guidance, support, and positivity. Finally, I didn't feel alone, helpless, and clueless. I recommend this program very strongly! A very special thanks to a very special person - Vidhya 🥳🥳🥳🥳 A thanks filled with gratitude to Dr Lakshya, for being ever so patient with me, and healing me I owe so much to you all thank you and lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

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